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Performance 3: From Andalusia to the Middle East, with a touch of the Classics

Featuring Mandolin sensation Shmuel Elbaz of Netivot and Sedot Negev and members of the Philadelphia Orchestra

Mandolin sensation Shmuel Elbaz and his ensemble of Netivot and Sedot Negev will join members of the Philadelphia Orchestra, including cellist and ARTolerance Artistic Director Udi Bar-David, in a thrilling reunion with medleys from Andalusia, the Middle East and a touch of the classics. Do not miss this creative partnership between ARTolerance & Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Glenside.

Monday, March 18, 2019
7:00 p.m. *Followed by a reception*
Tickets: $20 General Admission $10 Students

Presented by ARTolerance, Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, and Colonial Theater

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